14.09 - 15.09 / 21.09 - 22.09 Sept. 2013
Ausstellungseröffnung: Samstag, 14. September 2013 ab 16 Uhr
mit einem Konzert um 20 Uhr: "Kammerorchester Mark Matthes" und "Philipp Caspar Frederick"
Elisa Bertaglia (IT), Fritz Bornstueck (D), Winston Chmielinski (USA), Mara Diener (D), Giuseppe Gonella (IT), Gabriele Grones (IT), Kevin Kopacka (A), Martin lytke (D), Mark Matthes (D), Lorella Paleni (IT), Elisa Rossi (IT), Philipp Schewe (D).
In the exhibition "Oceans: under the skin of the sea" 12 artists from Italy, Germany and United States reflect about the nature of painting. The artists search and express the borders of the mediums, they dive deep beyond visible and chase with curiosity for discoveries, which still lie under the surface. In a time when the art is wide open to multiplicity of visual communications, concepts and codes and where the eclectic chaos spreads in the head, here time and space are recreated to drive the focus to subtle communications and reformulation of the ancient painting.
Räume 1.07 - Kunstfabrik HB55, Herzbergstraße 55, 10367 Berlin.