I SKY U | Group Exhibition | Berlin
opening Friday, 11 March 2016 , 6 - 9 pm.
“You rain on me, I sky you” is a quote extracted from Frida Kahlo ́s diary. As one of the most fascinating and sensitive artists of the twentieth century, we are honored to bring her spirit into our first exhibition.
“I Sky You“ represents fragile poetry, the balance and interplay of painting and sculpture – nine international newcomers including Pablo Benzo, Stefano Bosis, Frederike von Cranach, Konstantin Dery, Louise Gibson, Giuseppe Gonella, Gina Malek, Erik Nieminen and Lorella Paleni. The works combine an abstraction of form and a passion for color, though they could not be more divergent. The exhibition shows us that painting is a language without grammar, a place of freedom and infinite possibilities.
Auguststraße 86, 10117 Berlin